We Fight Hunger in the North.
The Food Bank Society of the Yukon is a community-based organization that provides emergency food to people in need. We provide emergency food hampers to as many as 1900 people a month.
We are generously supported by many individuals, families, schools, churches, businesses and other organizations throughout the year.
Together, we all help feed hungry people in our community.
What do We Do?
Every calendar month a person can access a Hamper that has seven days worth of food in it. Hampers are sized to that of members of each family.
Many Communities across the Yukon, receive a shipment of Hampers (shelf stable food only) each month, these hampers have approximately seven days worth of food in it. Contact out Manager of Community Service, Chris, to figure out how to get on the distribution list for your community. mvcs@whitehorsefoodbank.ca
Ways you can help!
Every month, people donate hundreds of hours of time to help the Food Bank provide emergency food to people. From stocking shelves to growing food to helping with a food drive, volunteers keep us operational! If you’d like to pitch in and volunteer for the Food Bank, please visit our Volunteer page!
To help feed our community, the Food Bank needs reliable financial support year round. If you’d like to learn about different ways you can donate to the Food Bank, please visit our Donate Money page. All financial donations are tax deductible.
Food donations are needed year round. In addition to donating food during our food drives, people can drop food off at the major grocery stores in town or at the Food Bank. To learn more about what to donate and how, please visit our Donate Food page.